Friday, July 16, 2004

You are Red
What color are you? (Anime Pictures)

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I took the fruity fruit quiz

made by rav-chan

Check out which fruit you are

To Be Edited
Red! Your eyes are red! You're a very distant
person, and you tend to hunger for power. In a
Manga, you'd be the sexy evil villan. Nothing
wrong with that, although you may want to think
about toning down the killing.

What Color Are Your Anime Eyes?
brought to you by Quizilla
You're an average normal person. You're known to
hate blondes. You're a nice person that would
proble fall in the rocker tpye. You have
reguler emotion like every one eles,but are
more bord often.Rate^-^

What's your anime hair color? COOL PICS^-^UPDATED!!!
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